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Dr Bernard Scott Publications


Books and Edited Special Issues of Journals.


Scott, B. (2011). Explorations in Second-Order Cybernetics: Reflections on Cybernetics, Psychology and Education. edition echoraum, Vienna. 

Pask. G. (2011). The Cybernetics of Self-Organisation, Learning and Evolution. Papers 1960-1972. Selected and Introduced by Bernard Scott. edition echoraum, Vienna. 

Smith, M. and Scott, B. (eds.) (2011). Selected Papers from Conferences of the Cybernetics Society, Kybernetes, 40, 1/2.

Aguado J.M., Buchinger, E. and Scott, B. (eds.), (2009). Technology and Social Complexity, University of Murcia Press.

Scott, B., Misheva, V and van Dijkum, C. (eds.) (2006). Festschrift for Felix Geyer, Kybernetes, 35, 2/3.

Scott, B. (ed.) (2004). Developing second order cybernetics: a collection of papers from the UK Cybernetics Society, Kybernetes, 33, 9/10.

Scott, B. and Glanville G. (eds.) (2001). Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part I, 30, 5/6.

Scott, B. and Glanville G. (eds.) (2001). Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part II, 30, 7/8.

Ryan, S., Scott, B., Freeman, H. and Patel, D. (2000). The Virtual University: The Internet and Resource Based Learning, Kogan Page, London.


Book Chapters


Scott, B. 2018). “How sociocybernetics can help understand possible world futures”. In Frontiers of Global Sociology:Research Perspectives for the 21st Century, M. Schulz (ed.), ISA Research, Berlin.

Scott, B. (2018). “Reflections on the sociocybernetics of social networks”. In Complexity Sciences: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Social Action. M. Lisboa and D. Cerejo (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Scott, B. and Marcuello, C. (2010). “Complexity and cultures in the global space: the contribution of sociocybernetics to interdisciplinary public dialogue”, in Proceedings, ISA Forum, Barcelona, Sept 5-8, 2008.

Scott, B. and Johnson, Z. (2009). “Self and other steering within the dynamics of organisational change.” In Technology and Social Complexity, J.M Aguado, E. Buchinger and B. Scott (eds.), University of Murcia Press, pp. 135-153.

Scott, B. (2008). “Working with Gordon (1967-1978): developing and applying conversation theory”, in Handbook of Conversation Design for Instruction, R. Luppicini (ed.), Idea Group, New York, pp. 19-34.

Glanville, R. and Scott, B. (2007). “About Gordon Pask”, in Gordon Pask, Philosopher Mechanic: An Introduction to the Cybernetician’s Cybernetician, R. Glanville and K.H. Müller (eds.). edition echoraum, WISDOM, Vienna, pp. 195-200.

Scott, B. (2007). “The cybernetics of Gordon Pask”, in Gordon Pask, Philosopher Mechanic: An Introduction to the Cybernetician’s Cybernetician, R. Glanville and K.H. Müller (eds.). edition echoraum, WISDOM, Vienna, pp. 29-52.

Scott, B. and Glanville, R. (2007). “List of Publications of Gordon Pask”, in Gordon Pask, Philosopher Mechanic: An Introduction to the Cybernetician’s Cybernetician, R. Glanville and K.H. Müller (eds.). edition echoraum, WISDOM, Vienna, pp. 201-218.

Scott, B. (2005). “Ranulph Glanville’s Objekte: an appreciation”, invited chapter for D. Baecker (ed.), Schluesselwerke der Systemtheories, translated into German by the editor,VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.

Scott, B. (2006). “Cybernetica de segundo orden: una introducción histórica”, Sociocibernética. Lineamientos de un paradigma, C. Marcuello (ed.), translated into Spanish by the editor, IFC,  Zaragoza, pp. 125-146.

Hornung, B. and Scott, B. (2003). “Tetrasociology and sociocybernetics” in L. Semashko (ed.), Tetrasociology: From Sociological Imagination through Dialogue to Universal Values and Harmony, SPBSPU, St Petersburg.

Scott, B. (2002). “Cybernetics and the integration of knowledge”, invited chapter for Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO.

Scott, B (2000). “Organisational closure and conceptual coherence”, in Closure: Emergent Organizations and Their Dynamics, Volume 901 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, J. L. R. Chandler and G. Van de Vijver (eds.), pp. 301-310.

Scott, B. (1999). “Forgetting in self-organising systems”, in The Evolution of Complexity, Vol. 8 of Einstein Meets Magritte, VUB, Brussels, 1995. Heylighen, J. Bollen and A. Reigler (eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 157-167.

Scott, B. (1999). “Knowledge content and narrative structures”, in Words on the Web: Language Aspects of Computer Mediated Communication, L. Pemberton and S. Shurville (eds), Intellect Books, Exeter, pp. 13-24.

Scott, B (1997). “Taking Measurements”, in Study Guide for Open University Course H801, MA in Open and Distance Education, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.

Scott, B (1997). “Zu wissen bedeutet zu sein!” in Zirkulare Positionen: Konstructivismus als Praktische, T. M. Bardmann (ed), Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 209-222.

Scott, B. (1993). “Heinz von Foerster: eine Würdigung”, in Heinz v. Foerster: Wissen und Gewissen, Siegfried J. Schmidt (ed), Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, pp. 9-16.

Kallikourdis, D. and Scott, B (1975). “Extend operating procedures”, Appendix K of G. Pask, Conversation, Cognition and Learning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 507-537.

Scott, B (1975). “CASTE operating procedures”, Appendix D of G. Pask, Conversation, Cognition and Learning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 455-457.

Scott, B (1975). “Task structure operating procedures”, Appendix E of G. Pask, Conversation, Cognition and Learning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 459-461.


Research Reports Available from the British Library


Pask, G., Green, N. and Scott, B. (1978). Cognitive Mechanisms and Behaviours Involved in other than Institutional Learning and Using Principles of Decision, ARI. DAERO 76-G-069.

Pask, G., Scott, B. and Bailey, R. (1978). The Influence of Learning Strategy and Performance Strategy on Engineering Design, USAF F44620-76-C-0003.

Pask, G., Scott, B. et al (1974-1979). Learning Styles, Educational Strategies and Representations of Knowledge: Methods and Applications (Annual and Final Reports), Social Science Research Council Research Programme HR2708/2.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1974). Applications and Developments of a Theory of Learning and Teaching, Social Science Research Council Project HR2371/1.

Scott, B. (1976). An Analysis of a Thesis Concerning the Teaching and Learning of Concepts, IET Monograph, The Open University (contribution to the Ford Foundation Project. Stronger Methods of Assessment and Curriculum Design, B. Lewis et al).

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1973). Educational Methods Using Information about Individual Styles and Strategies of Learning, Social Science Research Council Project HR1424/1.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1973). Entailment and Task Structures for Educational Subject Matter, Social Science Research Council Project HR1876/1.

Pask, G., Brieske, G. and Scott, B. (1973). Driving Strategies for Learner Drivers, Road Research Laboratory.

Pask, G., Scott, B. and Ensor, D. (1973). Strategic Disposition Tests and the Influence of Learning Strategy on the Performance and Breakdown of Skills, USAF F44620-72-C-0091.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1971). Uncertainty Regulation in Learning Applied to Procedures for Teaching Concepts of Probability, Social Science Research Council Project HR1203/1.

Pask, G., Elstob, M. and Scott, B. (1971). Taxonomy of Office Skills and a Set of Training Procedures for Use in the Field, Department of Employment and Productivity.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1970). Learning Strategies and Individual Competence, Social Science Research Council Project HR983/1.

Pask, G., Scott, B. and Dowson, M., (1970). Comparative Study of Adaptively Controlled and Other Methods of Instruction, 70/GEN/9725. Ministry of Defence.

Pask, G., Scott, B. and Robinson, R. (1969). Research into the Adaptively Controlled Instruction of Compensatory Tracking Skills, F61 (052)-68-C-0071. Air Force Office of Scientific Research through the European Office for Aerospace Research.

Pask, G., Mallen, G. and Scott, B. (1968). Cybernetic Models for the Learning Process, F61 (052)-67-C-0010, Office of Information Sciences, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research.



Refereed Journal Articles


Scott, B. (2018)). “Sociocybernetic understandings of consciousness”. J. of Sociocybernetics, 15, 1.

Scott, B. (2019). “On becoming a cybernetician: highlights and milestones”. World Futures, special edition, For the Love of Cybernetics, J. Chapman (ed.), 75, 1-2, pp. 101-112.

Scott, B. (in press). “Sociocybernetic reflections on the human condition”. J. of Sociocybernetics.

Scott, B. (in press).  “On messages”.  J. of Sociocybernetics.

Wilson, C. and Scott, B. (2017). “Adaptive systems in education: a review and conceptual unification”, International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 34, 1, 2 – 19.

Scott B. (2016) “Cybernetic foundations for Psychology”. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 509–517. Available at .

Scott B. (2016) “Author’s response: On becoming and being a cybernetician”. Constructivist Foundations, 11(3): 532–538. Available at .

Scott, B. (2015). “Minds in chains: A sociocybernetic analysis of the Abrahamic faiths”.  J. of Sociocybernetics, 13, 1. .

Scott, B. (2015).  “Putting flesh on the bones: Ranulph Glanville’s contributions to conversation theory”. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 22, 2-3, 59-72.

Scott, B and Bansal, A. (2014). “Learning about learning: a cybernetic model of skill acquisition”. Kybernetes, 43, 9/10: 1399-1411.

Scott, B. and Bansal, A. (2013), “A cybernetic computational model for learning and skill acquisition”, Constructivist Foundations, 9, 1: 125-136. Available at

Scott B. (2013) “Author’s response: Explaining cognition and explaining explaining”. Constructivist Foundations, 9(1): 143–146. Available  at .

Scott B. (2012) On Reading and Critiquing Luhmann. Constructivist Foundations 8(1): 30–32.

Scott, B. (2012). “Using the logic of life to reduce the complexity of life”. Cybernetics and Human Knowing,  19, 3, pp. 93-104.

Scott, B. (2011). “Toward a cybernetic psychology”. Kybernetes 40(9/10): 1247–1257.

Scott, B. (2011). “Education for cybernetic enlightenment”. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 21(1-2): 199–205.

Scott, B. and Shurville, S. (2011). “What is a symbol?” Kybernetes, 48, 1/2, pp. 12-22.

Scott, B. (2010). “The global conversation and the socio-biology of awareness and consciousness”, J. of Sociocybernetics, 7, 2, pp. 21-33.

Scott, B. (2010). “The role of Higher Education in understanding and achieving sustainable development: Lessons from sociocybernetics”, J. of Sociocybernetics, 7, 1, pp. 9-26.

Buchinger, E. and Scott, B. (2010).  “Comparing conceptions of learning: Pask and Luhmann.” Constructivist Foundations, 5, 3, pp. 109-120.

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2010). “Evaluating course design principles for multimedia learning materials”. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27, 5, pp. 280-292.

Maclean, P. and Scott, B. (2010). “An e-learning course on e-learning for staff in higher education”. University of the Fraser Valley Research Review, 3, 2, pp. 39-53. Available online: .

Maclean, P. and Scott, B. (2009). “Researching requirements for learning design: some results and conclusions.” University of the Fraser Valley Research Review, 2,3, pp. 15-35. Available online:

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2009). “Knowledge and task analysis methods for course design.” University of the Fraser Valley Research Review, 2, 3, pp. 64-78. Available online:

Scott, B. (2009). “The role of sociocybernetics in understanding world futures”. Kybernetes, 38, 6, pp. 867-882.

Scott, B. (2009). “Conversation, individuals and concepts: some key concepts in Gordon Pask’s interaction of actors and conversation theories”, Constructivist Foundations, 4, 3, pp.151-158.

Heinze, A., C Procter, and B. Scott (2007). "Use of conversation theory to underpin blended learning," International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 1, 1 & 2.

MacLean, P., and Scott, B. (2007). “Learning Design: Requirements, Practice and Prospects”. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 24, 3, pp. 187-198.

Scott, B. (2007). “Facilitating organisational change: some sociocybernetic principles”, J. of Organisational Transformation and Organisational Change, 4, 1, pp. 3-14.

Scott, B. (2007). “The co-emergence of individuals and collectives in psychological individuation”, Systemica, 1-6, 14, pp. 447-458.

Scott, B. (2007). “The co-emergence of parts and wholes in psychological individuation”, Constructivist Foundations, 2, 2/3, pp. 65-71.

Scott, B., Shurville, S., MacLean, P., and Cong, C. (2007). “Cybernetic principles for learning design”. Kybernetes, 36(9/10), pp. 1497-1514.

Scott, B. (2006). “Reflexivity revisited: the sociocybernetics of belief, meaning, truth and power”, Kybernetes, 35, 3/4, pp. 308-316.

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2006). “Designing interactive learning environments: an approach from first principles”. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 24, 3, pp. 174-186.

Johnson, Z. and Scott, B. (2005). “Using topic maps to support non-linear navigation for UK Defence e-learning programmes”, Learning Technology Newsletter, 7, 1, pp. 39-42.

Scott, B. (2004). “Second order cybernetics: an historical introduction”, Kybernetes, 33, 9/10, pp. 1365-1378.

Scott, B. (2003) “Heinz von Foerster: an appreciation (revisited)”, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 10, 3-4, pp. 137-149.

Scott, B. (2002). “A design for the recursive construction of learning communities”, Int. Rev. Sociology, 12, 2, pp. 257-268.

Scott, B. (2002). “Being holistic about global issues: needs and meanings”, J. of Sociocybernetics, 3, 1, pp. 21-26.

Scott, B. (2002). “The pedagogy of on-line learning: a report from the University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute”, Information Services and Use, 22, 1, pp. 19-26.

Patel, A., Scott, B. and Kinshuk (2001). “Intelligent tutoring: from SAKI to Byzantium”, Kybernetes, 30, 5/6, pp. 807-818.

Scase, M. and Scott, B. (2001). “Embedding resource based learning materials in psychology teaching”, Information Services and Use, 21, pp. 43-52.

Scott, B. (2001). “CASTE revisited: principles of course design in a hypertext environment”, Information Services and Use, 20, 2/3, pp. 117-124.

Scott, B. (2001). “Conversation theory: a dialogic, constructivist approach to educational technology”, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 8, 4, pp. 25-46.

Scott, B. (2001). “Cybernetics and the social sciences”, Systems Research, 18, pp. 411-420.

Scott, B. (2001). “Gordon Pask’s contributions to psychology”, Kybernetes, 30, 7/8, pp. 891-901.

Scott, B. (2001). “Gordon Pask’s Conversation Theory: A domain independent constructivist model of human knowing”, Foundation of Science, 6, pp. 343-360. Scott, B. (2000). “Cybernetic explanation and development”, Kybernetes, 29, 7/8, pp. 966-994.

Scott, B. (2000). “The cybernetics of systems of belief”, Kybernetes, 29, 7/8, pp. 995-998.

Scott, B., Ravat, H., Patel, D. and Ryan, S. (1998). “Embedding TLTP and other resource based learning materials into the curriculum”, Active Learning, 8, pp. 41-44.

Macdonald-Ross, M and Scott, B (1997). “A postal survey of OU students reading skills”, Open Learning , 12, 2, pp. 29-40.

Scott, B (1997). “Inadvertent pathologies of communication in human systems”, Kybernetes, 26, 6/7, pp. 824-836.

Scott, B. (1996). “Second-order cybernetics as cognitive methodology”, Systems Research 13, 3, pp. 393-406 (contribution to a Festschrift in honour of Heinz von Foerster).

Scott, B. (1993). “Working with Gordon: developing and applying Conversation Theory (1968-1978)”, Systems Research, 10, 3, pp. 167-182 (contribution to a Festschrift in honour of Gordon Pask).

Scott, B. (1987). “Human systems, communication and educational psychology”, Educ. Psychol. in Practice, 3, 2, pp. 4-15.

Pask, G., Kallikourdis, D. and Scott, B. (1975). “The representation of knowables”, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 7, pp. 15-134.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1973). “CASTE: a system for exhibiting learning strategies and regulating uncertainty”, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 5, pp. 17-52.

Pask, G., Scott, B. and Kallikourdis, D. (1973). “A theory of conversations and individuals (exemplified by the learning process on CASTE)”, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 5, pp. 443-566.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1972). “Learning strategies and individual competence”, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 4, pp. 217-253.

Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1971). “Learning and teaching strategies in a transformation skill”, Brit. J. Math. and Stat. Psychol., 24, pp. 205-229.


Refereed Conference Papers


Scott, B. (2017). “Sociocybernetic reflections on consciousness”.  14th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, Medellín, Colombia, June 20-23.

Scott, B. (2016). “Sociocybernetic reflections on the human condition”.  Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria, July 10-14

Scott, B. (2016). “How sociocybernetics can help understand world futures”.  Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria, July 10-14.

Scott, B. (2015). “On messages”. 13th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, Zaragoza, Spain, June 29-July 3.

Scott, B. (2014). “Cybernation and the emerging cyber-nation”.  XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19.

Scott, B. (2013). “Reflections on the sociocybernetics of social networks”.  12th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, Mérida, Yucatán, México, June 24-28.

Scott, B. (2012). “A sociocybernetic analysis of the Abrahamic faiths”.  11th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, Faro, Portugal, July 2-6.

Scott, B. (2011). “Using the logic of life to reduce the complexity of life”. 10th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, Cracow, Poland, June 20-25.

Scott, B. (2010). “Education for enlightenment”.  XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 12-18, 2010.

Scott, B. (2009). “The global conversation and the socio-biology of awareness and consciousness” presented at the 9th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, June 18-23, 2009, Urbino, Italy.

Scott, B. (2008). “The role of sociocybernetics in understanding world futures”, presented at the 8th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, June 24-28, 2007, Mexico City.

Scott, B. and Marcuello, C. (2008). “Complexity and cultures in the global space: The contribution of sociocybernetics to interdisciplinary public dialogue”. First ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, September 5-8.

Cong, C. and Scott, B. (2008). “Learning with interactive multimedia: a case study”. International Conference on ICT in Education, Corfu, Greece, July 10-12.

Scott, B. (2008). “Observing selves and others: outline of a methodology.” Proceedings of the 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, University of Vienna, March 25th-28th, 2008, pp. 630-635.

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2008). “Analysing and representing ‘conversational domains’” Proceedings of the 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, University of Vienna, March 25th-28th, 2008, pp. 132-137.

MacLean, P., and Scott, B. (2007). “Researching Requirements, Practice and Prospects for Learning Design: Some Results and Conclusions”. In K. Fernstrom, ed. Readings in Technology in Education: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education 2007, 12-14 July 2007 Heraklion, Crete. Abbotsford, BC: UCFV Press.

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2007). “Knowledge and task analysis methods for course design”. In K. Fernstrom, ed. Readings in Technology in Education: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education 2007, 12-14 July 2007 Heraklion, Crete. Abbotsford, BC: UCFV Press.         

Scott, B.  and Johnson, Z. (2007). “Self and other steering within the dynamics of organisational change”, presented at the 7th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, June 18-23, 2007, Murcia, Spain.

MacLean, P.J, & Scott, B.C.E. (2006). “Learning Design: Requirements, Practice and Prospects”. In K. Fernstrom and K. Tsolakidis, eds. Readings in Technology in Education: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education 2006, 6-8 July 2006 Rhodes. Abbotsford, BC: UCFV Press.

Scott, B. and Cong, C. (2006). “Designing interactive learning environments: an approach from first principles”. In K. Fernstrom and K. Tsolakidis, eds. Readings in Technology in Education: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education 2006, 6-8 July 2006 Rhodes. Abbotsford, BC: UCFV Press.

Scott, B. and Johnson, Z. (2006). “Learning conversations on Higher Education: A conceptual framework and programme of research”, Proceedings of the XVI World Congress of Sociology, July 23-29, 2006, Durban, SA.

Heinze, A., C. Procter, and B. Scott. (2005). “The theory and practice of the conversational framework: Proposed amendments and enrichment”. Third Education in a Changing Environment Conference, University of Salford, University of Salford. Available online:

Scott, B. (2005). “Facilitating organisational change: some sociocybernetic concepts and principles”, proceedings 13th International Congress of the World Organisation for Systems and Cybernetics, Maribor, Slovenia, July 4-8, 2005.

Scott, B. and Johnson, Z. (2005). “Using topic maps as part of learning design – some history and a case study”, proceedings III International Conference on Multimedia and Communication Technologies in Education, Caceres, Spain, June 7-10th, 2005, pp. 606-610. ISBN 609-5994-05.

Scott, B. and Shurville, S. (2005). “Epistemological unification of the disciplines: the contributions of sociocybernetics”, proceedings 6th European Congress on Systems Science, Paris, France, Sept. 19-22, 2005.

Shurville, S. J., Lee, M. P., Scott, B. C. and Harrison, A (2005). "Design, development and delivery of an innovative blended MSc in Knowledge Management Systems at Cranfield" in Hawamdeh, S. (Ed.) Knowledge Management: nurturing culture,
innovation and technology, World Scientific, Singapore..ISBN 981-256-556-6.

Shurville, S., Rospigliosis, A. and Scott, B. (2005). “Delivering innovative course in e-business for SMEs”, proceedings III International Conference on Multimedia and Communication Technologies in Education, Caceres, Spain, June 7-10th, 2005, pp. 160-164. ISBN 609-5994-05.

Scott, (2004). “How can e-learning developments contribute to ensuring a secure and sustainable future for all”, presented at 5th International Conference on Sociocybernetics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 26-31, 2004.

Shurville, S., Scott, B. and Rospigliosi, A. (2004). “Evaluation of an e-learning course on e-commerce”, proceedings 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Higher Education, Samos, Greece, July 1-3.

Scott, B. (2003). “Second order cybernetics: an historical introduction”, presented at 4th International Conference on Sociocybernetics, Corfu, Greece, July, 2003.

Shurville, S., Scott, B. and Rospigliosi, A. (2003). “Transferring Business Process Automation to HE”, proceedings 4th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Higher Education, Samos, July 3-5, 2003.

Scott, B. (2002). “The sociocybernetics of belief, meaning, truth and power”, paper presented at the International Sociological Congress, Brisbane, July, 2002.

Brown, S., Draycott, P., Freeman, H., Haverty, P., Ryan, S. and Scott, B. (1999), “Policy, practice and paradigm: how to develop a virtual university without losing your shirt”, in Proceedings ICDE Conference.

Scott, B. (2001). “Learning environments for learning communities: a report from the University of the Highlands and Islands Project”, 3rd International Conference on Sociocybernetics, Leon, Mexico, July, 2001.

Scott, B. (2001). “The co-emergence of individuals and collectives in psychological individuation”, presented at the Problems of Individual Emergence conference, Amsterdam, April, 2001.

Scott, B. (2001). “The pedagogy of networked learning: a report from the University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute”, Proceedings of Telematica 2001, St Petersburg, June 2001, pp. 108-111.

Scott, B. (2000). “A design for the recursive construction of learning communities”, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sociocybernetics, Panticosa, Spain, June 25– July 2, 2000.

Scott, B. (2000). “Cybernetics and the social sciences”, presented at the World Congress of the Systems Sciences, Toronto, July 16-22, 2000.

Scott, B. (1999). “Being holistic about global issues: needs and meanings”, presented at the 1st International Conference on Sociocybernetics, University of Crete, May.

Scott, B (1998). “Simplifying the complex: the case for cybernetics”, presented at the Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, July.

Scott, B (1998). “The role of Higher Education in understanding and achieving sustainable development: lessons from sociocybernetics”, presented at the Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal, July, 1998.

Scott, B., Patel, D. and Ryan, S. (1997). “Embedding and evaluating CBL materials in Science Education”, in Proceedings CBLIS ‘97 Conference, G. Chapman (ed.), University of South Bohemia Press, Czech Republic.

Scott, B., Ryan, S. and Freeman, H. (1998). “Culture change in a conventional university: introducing resource-based learning”, in Proceedings of the 1998 EDEN Conference, EDEN, Budapest, pp. 273-276.

Scott, B. (1996). “Inadvertent pathologies of communication in human systems”, proceedings Xth Congress of World Organization for Systems and Cybernetics, Symposium on Sociocybernetics, Bucharest, Romania, August 26-31, 1996.

Scott, B. (1978). "Individual differences and versatility in programming", Proc. Workshop on Computing Skills and Adaptive Systems, Computer Laboratory, University of Liverpool, pp. 161-185.

Scott, B. (1974). "Representations of knowing and doing" in Proc. of the 1st Informatics Conference, pp. 163-181, ASLIB.

Scott, B. (1969). “Cognitive strategies in skill learning" in Progress of Cybernetics, Vol. 3, J. Rose (ed.), Gordon and Breach.


Other Publications


Scott, B. (2011). “Richard Jung and the cybernetic phenomenology of the self: Review of Experience and Action: Selected Items in Systems Theory by Richard Jung, Edition Echoraum, Vienna, 2007. ISBN 978-3-901941-13-9”, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 18,1-2, 191-194.

Hornung, B. and Scott, B. Reviews of Tetrasociology by L. Semashko, J. of Sociocybernetics, 4, 2, pp. 41-46

Mackain-Bremner, M. and Scott, B. (2006). “e-Learning projects at the Defence Academy, Shrivenham”, Military Simulation and Training, Issue 1, pp. 243-26.

Scott, B., Misheva, V and van Dijkum, C. (2006). “Editors’ Introduction”, Festschrift for Felix Geyer, Kybernetes, 35, 2/3.

Scott, B. (2007). “Norbert Wiener – cybernetician: A review of Dark Hero of the Information Age: In Search of Norbert Wiener, The Father of Cybernetics, by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman” (Basic Books, NY, 2005, 423pp.) J. of Sociocybernetics, 5, 1/2, pp. 82-83.

Scott, B. (2004). Developing second order cybernetics: a collection of papers from the UK Cybernetics Society (editor’s introduction), Kybernetes, 33, 9/10, pp. 1362-1364.

Scott, B. (2003). “Heinz von Foerster: cybernetician”, J. of Sociocybernetics, 3, 2 pp. 40-43 (reprint of an obituary in The Independent, Oct 25th, 2002, p. 22).

Scott, B. (2002). Editor’s Introduction to Tetrasociology by L. Semashko, SPBSPU, St Petersburg.

Glanville, R. and Scott, B. (2001). “About Gordon Pask”, Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part I, 30, 5/6, pp. 507-508.

Scott, B. and Glanville, R. (2001). “Afterword: the process of this memorial”, Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part II, 30, 7/8, pp. 1028-1030.

Scott, B. and Glanville, R. (2001). “Introduction”, Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part I, 30, 5/6, pp. 503-505.

 Scott, B. and Glanville, R. (2001). “Introduction”, Special double issue of Kybernetes, Gordon Pask, Remembered and Celebrated, Part II, 30, 7/8, pp. 861-863.

Scott, B (1999). “Sociocybernetics, what’s in a name”, ISA RC 51 Newsletter, 7, pp. 26-28.

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